8 Common Window Cleaning Mistakes to Avoid

Cleaning windows or doorways is no rocket science and following the right strategies can get the job done quickly. However, not everyone is aware of the proper methods to keep their windows clean. Instead, the majority of people implement their own cleaning methods, which might not be completely correct. To figure out what mistakes you are repeating with window cleaning that needs to stop today, read this post. Here, you will learn about the tools and techniques, which most experts prefer to clean windows. Many people try several cleaning strategies for window panes, grids, or upper and lower sashes and don’t achieve desired outcomes. If you are among this crowd, don’t skip this blog without going through every line till the end.

Let’s begin with the top mistakes most people make while cleaning their windows, which can result in causing more problems. 

Skipping Dusting Prior to Cleaning

Removing dirt, dust, oil, grease or other toxins from the inside and outside portions of windows is very essential. Unless you are dusting off these components that attach to the window’s surface, achieving optimum cleaning is quite difficult. So, if you are repeating this misstep while scheduling sessions to clean casements, it’s time to pause. Instead, you can utilise a clean towel or squeegee for wiping the window from the bottom to the top direction. 

Inappropriate Cleaning Equipment

The wrong choice of cleaning materials is one of the topmost reasons for incomplete results. Mostly, this happens when you use cheap quality or dirty clothes or materials for cleaning windows. Remember, the majority of experts recommend microfibre cloths and top-quality sprays to clean all types of windows. Hence, eliminate poor-grade sprays and materials while replacing them with industry-standard commercial or domestic window cleaning equipment. 

Overuse of Spray or Agent

Not every spray or cleansing agent is safe for windows, which is why sorting the right products is vital. Though clients feel the urge to complete the cleaning task as quickly as possible by picking any agent or spray. Still, choosing the wrong composition or type of cleanser can cause more harm to windows than you can imagine. To avoid this mistake, get rid of window cleaner in Hinckley that results in smudgy spots or streaks. Moreover, if you are using an excessive amount of cleaning materials for windows, stop this practice right away. Alternatively, switch to environment-friendly cleaners after thoroughly checking their compositions and cleaning effects on windows. 

Wrong Ways to Dry Windows

Some homeowners make use of kitchen papers or newspapers for drying the window surfaces after conducting cleaning sessions. This is one of the common mistakes, which might end up damaging the windows or leaving behind stubborn streak marks. Fortunately, there are ways to avoid this problem by drying windows using a lint-free and clean cloth or towel. Typically, you need to implement the spraying and drying process twice to clean any dirty window. In case, you notice traces of streaks, oil, or dirt on windows, repeat the process a few more times. 

Ignoring Handles and Frames

Whether your window is made from glass, UPVC, or any other material, regular cleaning them regularly is very important. To ensure that the window frame and handle are free from dirt and don’t pose any risk, keep them clean. Often, property owners miss out on these segments while planning and executing window cleaning strategies. The majority of them don’t realise the significance of cleaning frames or handles, which keeps the windows functional. Hence, avoid the build-up of dirt, toxins, and grime on window handles and frames by disinfecting them. 

Not Selecting the Right Climate

Many of you might not know that picking sunny weather is not advisable for cleaning windows. According to specialists, sunlight reacts with chemicals present in your cleansing agent or spray to produce streaks and residue. Even if you clean the casements multiple times, getting rid of the stubborn marks can be very challenging. Hence, avoid sunny days for cleaning windows. 

Avoiding Distilled or Soft Water

Knowledgeable and licensed window cleaning contractors don’t use hard water to clean the frame, handle, surface, or any other segment. As you can notice hard water stains post the cleaning sessions, select soft or distilled water for spotless windows. 

Don't Consult Professional Cleaners

Owners of many homes and businesses try to save money by skipping professional cleaning services for windows. Sometimes, regular cleaning is not sufficient to keep window sashes, frames, grids, and panes in their best condition. Hence, hire local and responsible cleaning contractors. 

Final Thoughts

Hopefully, going through this blog helped you to realise mistakes while cleaning up windows. Besides, it has also provided valuable guidance on cleaning strategies and materials, which are perfect for clean and spotless windows. As you know what leads to streak marks or damage to windows, choose the right weather and cleaning tools.   

If you are not sure about the type or quantity of spray cleaner appropriate for window cleaning, contact professionals. Search for any reliable cleaning agency that cleans and disinfects domestic and commercial windows in and around Hinckley within budget.


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