How Can An Asbestos Survey Keep Friable Asbestos Away?

Friable asbestos can deteriorate your health and leave you vulnerable to lung cancer. This makes the substance dangerous and should be eliminated quickly if you have it on your property. Only an asbestos survey can help you in such a situation. It will determine the amount of asbestos, and then you can carry out the removal. Friable asbestos is the most dangerous material. ‘Friability’ is a measurement that determines how much asbestos will be able to give out airborne fibres. Some examples of highly friable items are spray coating and pipe insulation. Asbestos fibres are microscopic, and this makes the substance more dangerous. People inhale them easily and suffer from severe results. 

Where Can You Find Friable Asbestos on Your Property?

  • It was banned in 1999, but it was used in various ways prior to that time.
  • An asbestos survey will find out facts that will take you by surprise. Ceiling tiles and wall linings contain a good amount of asbestos.
  • Thermal insulation and tanks have friable asbestos in them. Some of them are very old and give out fibres whenever disturbed. 
  • Some exterior claddings and external panels have it. Only move a little around them before the survey is done. 
  • Badly damaged asbestos cement sheets contain a large amount of asbestos. Studies say that construction materials like cement have this substance.

Immediate Steps Taken After a Damaged Building is Discovered

  • Contact the emergency services quickly and wait for the area to be cordoned off for the public. 
  • Close all the doors and access points of your house. Make sure that there are no ways from where the particles can make an entry. 
  • Tell people to stay away from the suspect area. Put a board if needed to avoid fatal situations. 
  • Call the professionals for an asbestos survey. This will inform you about how worse the situation is. 
  • The service providers will make the necessary arrangements for an urgent asbestos removal operation. 
  • Obey the instructions provided by the firms in order to keep yourself and your dear ones safe.

Handling Damaged Asbestos Materials Indoors

  • First, prepare for an asbestos survey. Get in touch with a firm that has the means to carry out the exercise. 
  • Go for an air test if you find the object friable and a health risk to everyone present around.
  • Speak to a contractor after you are confirmed about the material from your surveyor. Select the firm that fixes a reasonable rate. 
  • Then, the removal contractor will make arrangements for the operation. Prepare the necessary documentation needed to complete the job. 
  • You will receive a 4-Stage Clearance, including air tests, supervisors’ signoff, etc. after the work is done. 
  • The place will be ready for anyone to visit. However, discuss it with the professionals before taking any steps. 

Things You Must Avoid

  • Prevent yourself and others from re-entering places closed off without the proper precaution. 
  • Go by the asbestos survey and never do anything yourself, as it will disturb the place and release asbestos fibres. 
  • Avoid visiting the area during asbestos testing. It will affect the exercise and produce inaccurate results. 
  • Call an expert if you are not sure about the asbestos content of your property. Do not try to do anything yourself. 
  • Never carry out refurbishment work in an old building without a surveyor or firm nod. 
  • Stop using construction materials without an assessment being done by a professional surveyor. 

Why is it Necessary to Handle Asbestos Safely?

It is crucial to handle asbestos-containing materials to protect the general public from disorders like mesothelioma, cancer and asbestosis. Each of these diseases develops with each exposure. Therefore, it is important to take steps depending on the asbestos survey. These are fatal, and mesothelioma cancer does not have a cure. 

The dangerous effects of asbestos have propelled different governments to ban the material. It keeps the people away from it. You can face large fines if you violate the law. At times, these penalties discourage people from handling asbestos-related matters themselves. Asbestos is dangerous and should be tackled by licensed specialists. 


Friable asbestos is a fatal form of carcinogen. You will need practical asbestos solutions in order to get rid of it. Always go to registered surveyors who are well-equipped to carry out an assessment. Stop people from going to regions that are contaminated by asbestos. Take decisions only after getting permission from the surveying firms.


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